Helen Taubman – BACC President
Since I undertook my Cursillo in 2007 I have been passionate about the Cursillo method. I have served as Lay Director for an extended period, have been Lay Rector twice for St Asaph Cursillo and have served on St Asaph team for four further weekends, in additional to serving on our Secretariat in a variety of roles including training officer and BACC Rep. I have been privileged to serve on team for three other dioceses, which was enlightening and invigorating. I also led a development day for one diocese whose weekend had to be deferred at the last moment. The theme was ‘fourth day first and authentic Cursillo’.
My priorities for Cursillo moving forward, would be to further promote authentic Cursillo and 4th day first. I know that this throws up challenges but is the only way for Cursillo to grow and thrive. I have, over the years, experienced the leadership style of at least five Presidents, all of whom have brought different gifts and skills to lead in a professional and inspiring manner. I have served on BACC where I was additionally part of a team updating the manual.
I feel very frustrated when I hear someone in a Christian arena talking about ways to bring people to God and I want to shout “Cursillo would do that for you!” I talk about the method as often as I have a chance to and believe that we should be marketing ourselves better, which is something I would like to be part of.
In my lay life I founded and am a working MD of an independent, specialist, trauma informed therapeutic foster care agency for significantly abused children. This is my Christian vocation. I have no idea why, 24 plus years ago, God pushed me in this direction, but he did. It hasn’t been easy, but I have gained leadership skills, intuition, ability to communicate with people of all ages, communities and backgrounds. I am also an active church member and part of a group of volunteers running a community church and drop-in centre, am an intercessor and reader. I have counselling skills and am used to producing professional reports. Consequently, developing Cursillo and listening to others in order to do this democratically, should be a natural progression.
Aa an experienced leader, who can lead from behind as well as the front, I have a depth of knowledge of Cursillo, Apart from my Lay Director role I led the team running a successful National Ultreya in 2012. I have been on at least 5 CLW’s (it is well known that I love training and exploring the potential of the Cursillo method) at my fifth application I was invited to serve on team. I was Wales and Marches BACC rep as part of the six years served and I also co-led a steering committee under the auspices of the Welsh Bench of Bishops to achieve a borderless Wales, linking in with Swansea and Brecon, St Davids, Bangor & St Asaph in order to achieve this.
I am part of two Dioceses supporting Lichfield Diocese in their bid to restart Cursillo and led a start-up open-day there. As St Asaph’s training officer, I have led training and meditative events for Cursillo and the church, including Days of Deeper Understanding. I have served on our secretariat almost continuously since 2007 and have worked with other dioceses to hold reflective days together. As you may gather, I am a staunch believer of Cursillo and hope that during my term of office, I may have a positive impact.
I hope that this give a bit more of a picture of who I am.