13:Christian Community in Action

Key points:
  • We are seldom called to wholly independent action.
  • A Christian Community in Action is any group that works together towards a joint purpose under God’s guidance.
  • St Paul reminds us of our interdependence as members of the body: together we achieve much more than we can alone.
  1. The Church itself is the ultimate Christian Community in Action, but within that framework are many other small and large organisations, both formal and informal.
  2. Can you identify involvements of your own that may serve as examples?
  3. Cursillo provides us with a network that can resource our individual action, but also be a platform for launching group action.

Formal examples of Christian Communities in Action are many and varied – the Mothers Union, the Bible Society, TearFund, CAFOD, Christian Aid, and many more. Being involved in any way with any of these can be a way of contributing our small part to the greater action. On a local level up and down the country are foodbanks, lunch clubs, children’s activities and the like which are promoted and undertaken by Christians as part of their mission to their local environment. These all tend to be ongoing activities on a regular basis, but we should also recognise the many and varied occasional contributions – the special appeal to build a local community centre or new church, or just a small group of friends who decide to get together to address a local issue in some way.