14:Group Reunion

Key points:
  • Group Reunion is the beating heart of Cursillo.
  • Reunion is not just “getting together again to talk about the past,” it’s a re-fuelling stop on the journey of life in Christ.
  • Reunion groups should ideally be three or more people, and not more than six if all are to be heard.
  • There are no hard and fast rules about frequency of meetings, but regularity is key to effectiveness.
  • Sticking to the agreed structure of a Reunion and following the cards provides a framework that allows a genuine sharing.
  • It is vital that each person has the opportunity to speak about their piety, study and action without interruption or discussion. There can be time allowed for informal conversation and discussion after the formal meeting is concluded, usually with the Cursillo thanksgiving.
  • If all the above is observed, a proper Reunion should take no longer than 20 to 30 minutes.
  1. It is good to begin with an explanation of the Group Reunion cards, but beware of going into too much detail. It’s then helpful to have table groups (decuriae) actually practice a standard Group Reunion under the guidance of the table leaders. The sharing will be a little artificial as so much will have already been shared, but familiarity with the format is what we are aiming for here. Mention should be made of the need for confidentiality.
  2. It may be worth mentioning here that although Group Reunion is primarily designed for those who have had the Cursillo experience, there is no reason why non-Cursillistas should not be invited to participate. This may well be a way to encourage them to join more fully.

“We do not have Group Reunions so that there will be people to attend a Cursillo Weekend; on the contrary, we have Cursillo Weekends so that there will be people to make Group Reunions.” (Edwardo Bonnin)