Ultreya GB
2025 – Durham
Put the date in your diary:
Saturday 6th September 2025
More details to follow

If your diocese is considering hosting an Ultreya GB, download the guidance HERE

2024 – “Yorkshire”
The Cursillistas in the Dioceses of York, Leeds and Sheffield gave us a very warm Yorkshire welcome at the Ultreya GB held in The Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Sheffield on 7th September 2024
Looking back to …. 2023

Cursillistas of the Diocese of Canterbury with Rochester hosted the National Ultreya in the city of Rochester, Medway, on 2nd September 2023
Rochester diocese is paired up with Canterbury Cursillo. For this national gathering, Canterbury Cursillo elected to host in Rochester as part of their ongoing ministry of reviving and supporting Cursillo in Rochester.
Looking back to … 2022
The Cursillistas of the Diocese of Southwark and London jointly hosted the National Ultreya in the capital city of London on 3 September.
The National Ultreya 2022 began with a welcome and prayers from Bishop Sarah Mullally followed by the Walk of Witness from the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral.

The walk crossed the river Thames over the Millennium Bridge towards the Tate Modern, before passing Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and the Golden Hind on route to the Millennium Court at Southwark Cathedral.
The main programme of the day took place in Southwark Cathedral. There was an extended Ultreya before lunch with Floating Group Reunion, two amazing lay witness talks from Melanie Nazareth (of Southwark diocese) and Monica Bolley (of London diocese), the Gospel response from our NSD, Rev. Stephen Bowring and a talk from the BACC President Beth Roberts.

Lunch was taken in and around the cathedral to the backdrop of London’s south bank and in particular Borough Market, whose delights were sampled by many!
We then returned to the cathedral for worship and the closing eucharist presided over by Bishop Richard Harries, Assistant Bishop in the diocese of Southwark, with the sermon given by Bishop Rob Wickham, Area Bishop of Edmonton, Diocese of London.