Clergy Taster Days


  • Familiarise clergy with the purpose, aims and shape of Cursillo
  • Offer the opportunity for clergy to ask questions and reassure them about any misunderstandings or misgivings they may have
  • Recount the history of Cursillo and place it into the context of the church structures
  • Explore what Cursillo has to offer the church
  • Explain how Cursillo can equip people for witness and leadership
  • Demonstrate how Cursillo encourages personal spiritual discipline, support, accountability and Christian leadership
  • Indicate the crucial role played by clergy in Cursillo


The clergy taster day must be agreed with the bishop and if possible the bishop, or other senior clergy person e.g. Archdeacon, should a end. In consulta on with the bishop personal invita ons may be sent to individual clergy. Some mes Cursillo may be seen as a key factor in the diocesan strategy and training programme so will be adver sed through diocesan communica ons. The programme to be agreed by the Diocesan Spiritual Director, Lay Director and the bishop.


  • The ‘taster day’ can be overnight from lunchme for 24 hours; a full day from 9.30– 4.30, or even a half day
  • Prayer during the preparations and on the day is essential.
  • Careful selection of the team for the day is vital
  • Clergy who have had good experience of Cursillo should be part of the team
  • Laity who will present any talks or witness must be carefully chosen
  • All talks or testimonies must be reviewed by the Diocesan Spiritual Director ahead of the day
  • Hospitality is important and the Cursillo community should be involved with this
  • Venue should be accessible, comfortable and allow for plenary sessions, group work and a closing Eucharist
  • Cursillo materials should be available
  • Clergy and lay Cursillistas should be involved in delivering the programme
  • Clergy delegates should not be asked to pay—funding is best agreed between the bishop, Spiritual Director and Lay Director, since a joint venture gives out positive messages

Content of the Clergy Taster Day


  • Worship—as a minimum the day should include opening prayers and a closing Eucharist (other members of the Cursillo community may be invited to a end)
  • Brief history of Cursillo— emphasising its place in the church
  • What happens on a weekend—structure and talks, highligh ng authentic Cursillo (5 medita ons and 15 talks)
  • Fourth Day explained—how Group Reunion and Ultreya encourage personal Chris an discipline, reflection, discipleship and accountability
  • From witness to leadership— the Cursillo method encourages personal growth, focuses on bringing Christ to their environments and enables people to grow into leadership
  • Time for questions and discussion

Optional –

  • An experience of Group Reunion—this may be facilitated by Cursillistas or may be a demonstration of a Group Reunion as a role play
  • An Ultreya experience—this may be an opportunity for the Cursillo community to gather
  • Palanca—it is suggested that one piece of Palanca per clergy person is appropriate, this will enable an explana on of what it means, the prayer behind it without overwhelming them
  • A discussion of what Cursillo has to offer to parish clergy to support them and enable mission in their context
  • Personal testimony of how Cursillo has affected individuals, both clergy and lay