The Cursillo experience offers an opportunity to turn our eyes upon Jesus, and to hear that still small voice. Some pilgrims find reassurance and affirmation that they are already heading in the right direction; others find a new direction opens up for them they embark upon their fourth day. We’re all at different stages and in different places, but very few experience Cursillo without some lasting impact and a sense that God has touched them specially.
During the Cursillo there are opportunties for self-examination, both individually and in small supportive groups. In our lives we often just ‘rumble on’ from day to day without questionning what we are doing too deeply or whether our faith has an impact on what we are doing or how we do it. Cursillo gives us the chance to stop and stare for a bit; and this can lead to life-changing challenges.
In the introductory video (linked from the home page) there are brief testimonies from a number of Cursillistas who have found new direction and a new confidence unlocked through going on a Cursillo and getting involved in Fourth Day activities. Not every pilgrim ends up being ordained! – but it is noticeable that Cursillo is cited by many ordinands and other lay ministers as having been a significant milestone on that journey. The talks on the Cursillo emphasise that we are all, laity as well as clergy, essential workers for God’s kingdom. We explore ways in which we can be active members of the Body of Christ, both as individuals and working together as Christian communities in action.
The fundamental principle of Cursillo is that we need to keep a balance in our lives of prayer, study and action: we must keep open our awareness of and communication with God; we need to be open to what he wants to show and teach us through all sorts of experiences; and – perhaps hardest of all – we do this in order to be of service and useful through our apostolic action for Christ. That action may take an infinite variety of forms, and we are often the last person to appreciate or accept the work we are doing. As Christians, it is usually others who value our contribution more than we do ourselves, and Fourth Day activities (especially Group Reunion) can be hugely encouraging and help us to see a bigger picture in better perspective. Ultreya! as we say – “persevere!”, “Keep on!”